I hope so. That would be fantastic. The thing is though that Ray Franz was a person with real integrity. Once he started the deeper research for the AID book and started to realize TATT then it was inevitable that he would be ejected. It is really too bad that no one on the GB has the personal strength to stand up and do as Ray did. Ray's books have changed my life and that of many others as well. If one of the GB today would do what Ray did only with the reach of the internet and all the media we have today it would be known by a lot more witnesses. I really do hate a lot of things about the ORG but, there are a lot of people stuck in there either being held by family or simply out of ignoranc of the truth. I would love if someone would stand up and do the right thing.
The problem is if you are with the org long enough to get into a position of authority then every single one of your friends is a witness. For someone to come forward like Ray did would mean losing every friend they know, losing their livelyhood, being gossiped about and compared to Satan.
It is a lose - lose for a GB member . . . . unless they really care about God and what he thinks of them. Not likely.